Du betrachtest gerade Sommerschule über Quantum Science für MINT-Studierende

Sommerschule über Quantum Science für MINT-Studierende

Dear students,
We would like to invite you to PenteQost-24: the first interdisciplinary and international undergraduate spring school on the Fundamentals of Quantum Science, hosted on location by the University of Siegen, Germany, from May 17 to 21, 2024.
Short version:
  • What? Interdisciplinary and international spring school on the Fundamentals of Quantum Science
  • When? May 17 to 21, 2024
  • Where? University of Siegen, Germany
  • For whom? Undergraduate and graduate students in STEM
  • Speakers: Experts in quantum science & technology, such as Adan Cabello (U Sevilla, tbc), Ramona Wolf (ETH Zürich, U Siegen)Mariami Gachechiladze (TU Darmstadt), Christof Wunderlich (U Siegen), Michael Johanning (eleQtron)Sevag Gharibian (U Paderborn)
  • Excited? Register here, deadline: April 14, 2024
Long version:
We encourage interested undergraduate and graduate students to register and participate!Applicants from all areas of STEM study are welcome. To minimize overlap with the regular lecture schedule during the summer semester, the school will take place during the long pentecost weekend from Friday afternoon to Tuesday noon.
The lecturers are prestigious scientists in the field, such as Adan Cabello (U Sevilla, tbc), Ramona Wolf (ETH Zürich, U Siegen)Mariami Gachechiladze (TU Darmstadt)Christof Wunderlich (U Siegen), Michael Johanning (eleQtron)Sevag Gharibian (U Paderborn)
You will learn the theoretical fundamentals and the experimental practice of quantum science and technology:
  • Quantum foundations – understand the science of quantum information and how it can enable fast computing and secure communication
  • Quantum Key Distribution – understand how quantum physics facilitates invulnerable encryption methods for perfectly secure digital communication
  • Quantum Algorithms – discover computational tasks in which quantum computers of the future will outperform conventional ones
  • Complexity Theory – understand why certain classes of computational problems are much harder than others, and how quantum computers can help us tackle them
  • Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions – glimpse into one of the leading technological platforms for the quantum chips of the future
There is no participation fee. Travel and accommodation is self-organized, and we recommend that you book your accommodation as early as possible.We provide monetary support to partially cover travel and accommodation costs for those who need it.
The registration can be found here, the deadline is April 14, 2024
Recommended prerequisites:
We recommend that you have essential knowledge of linear algebra and analysis, as typically taught in introductory undergraduate math courses. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of quantum physics beforehand. For example, you may already have attended a quantum physics lecture in your university before. If not, we can recommend the following online courses and textbooks
Further informations can be found on our websitehttps://indico.physik.uni-siegen.de/e/penteqost
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Siegen!
Best regards,
Lina Vandré, Stefan Nimmrichter, Otfried Gühne
 (The organizers)